Career and Technology Studies (CTS) is a complementary program designed for Alberta’s secondary school students. As a program of choice, CTS offers all students important learning opportunities to:
- develop skills they can be applied in their daily lives, now and in the future
- refine career-planning skills
- develop technology-related skills
- enhance employability skills
- apply and reinforce learnings developed in other subject areas
- prepare for transition into adult roles in the family, community,
- workplace and/or further education.
The course structure of CTS enables schools to design unique programs that meet the needs of students and take advantage of community resources. Developed across levels rather than grades, CTS has multiple entry points and provides secondary students with access to a common curriculum. As a competency-based curriculum, CTS recognizes prior learning from formal schooling and personal initiatives.
A cluster is a group of CTS courses that represent occupations with broad industry commonalities. Clusters in CTS are aligned with the National Occupational Classification (NOC) and function as an organizing tool for the CTS program.
Media, Design & Communication Arts (MDC)
The MDC cluster is designed to provide students the flexibility to adapt to various situations relating to design, communication and esthetics. This cluster includes courses related to art and culture, such as the performing arts, film and video, broadcasting, journalism, writing, creative design, fashion, libraries and museums.
The pathway of the term will consist of 5-6 courses related to the Web Design career.
5 courses(1 CU each) selected from the “Communcations Technology(COM)” strand of the “Media,Design, and Communication Arts(MDC)” cluster of the CTS Program of Studies. 1 course(1CU) from the “Information Processing(INF)” strand of the “Business, Administration, Finance & Information Technology(BIT)” cluster of the CTS Program of Studies.
In addition to the courses offered, ambitious students may be interested in pursuing credentialed pathways in Adobe CS4.
Course Outlines:
COM1035 Graphic Tools
Students are introduced to the basics of computer graphics (vector and raster), and graphic computer programs.
Prerequisite: COM1005: Visual Composition
- 70% Assignment Portfolio
- 20% Tests on knowledge of various media, materials, processes
- 10% Short Oral/Visual presentation where student discusses his/her projects with peers
COM1205 Photography – Introduction
Students develop essential skills in camera use with a focus on basic composition, set-up and an examination of exposure. Students operate a camera to capture images and produce final display proofs.
Prerequisite: COM1005: Visual Composition
COM2015 Media Impact
Students explore different media forms and examine their impact on personal, community and national interests. Using various media, students will plan, create and present a simple message.
COM1015: Media
Students discover the impact of the media and develop fundamental skills to relay a message effectively using various forms of media; e.g., photography, print, Web and audio or video production.
Prerequisite: COM1005: Visual Composition
COM1275 Photography – Digital Processing
Students learn the fundamentals of consumer-based digital image acquisition, management, composition, manipulation and editing software to improve image composition.
Prerequisite: COM1005: Visual Composition
COM2035 Raster Graphics 1
A raster format is commonly used in full colour images/graphics and photographs by using a data structure representing a generally rectangular grid of pixels or points of colour. In this course, students are introduced to the fundamental skills of raster graphics and their application.
Prerequisite: COM1035: Graphics Tools
COM2205 Photography – Composition
Students expand their photography skills including composition, exposure, basic lighting, camera operation, image processing and proofing, and display.
Prerequisite: COM1205: Photography – Introduction
COM2215 Photography – Communication
Students use photographic prints or digital images to communicate a message or tell a story.
Prerequisite: COM1205: Photography – Introduction
COM3215 Photography – Photojournalism
Students develop skills and explore processes to present a story, primarily through the use of pictures and text.
Prerequisite: COM1205: Photography – Introduction
COM3235 Photography – B/W Digital Techniques
Students develop an understanding of various production and postproduction black-and-white digital techniques and the differences in mood and appeal between colour and monochrome.
Prerequisite: COM1205: Photography – Introduction
COM3245: Photography – Outdoor
Students plan and respond to outdoor conditions to capture and produce high-quality outdoor images.
Prerequisite: COM1205: Photography – Introduction