Organizing For Learning

A number of courses may be taught concurrently when the skills are discreet; for example, Basic Photography 1 and Printing 1. Media Design and Analysis 1, however, should be offered after the student has acquired skills in the various thematic areas, since these can then be more readily incorporated into project design and analysis.

Some courses may be combined in order to give the student the required time to complete a major project. For example, a multiple-credit offering may be composed of a video production course, followed by a course in which the student produces scripts, followed by an intermediate or advance video production course.

Scenario A
Courses may be taught sequentially to all students with global timelines and common project/assignment expectations. (Best for dependent learners as teacher leads all class transition through the instructional sequence from course to course )

Scenario B
One course may be taught throughout the term to the entire class (e.g., Keyboarding 20 minutes per class) in conjunction with two other courses taught in smaller groups ( one group in Video Production, while another group does Photojournalism. (Best for dependent learners with some transition to small group processes)

Scenario C
All students take one or two common courses together(e.g., Keyboarding and Media & You), then are able to select other courses from a menu of courses made available to them. (Best for dependent learners in transition to independent and small group processes).

Scenario D
From a list of courses identified by the teacher, the students select which ones they will work on and, in consultation with the teacher, establish timelines for completion, and submission of assignments, etc. (Best for the experienced independent learner.)