ComTech Course: Digital Media Tools (3-5 credits)
September 2013-January 2014
Grade 10 Web Design Course
Required Modules:
COM1145: Animation 1
- Students are introduced to a variety of animation techniques and produce a simple animation; the focus is on basic skills, including planning, keyframing, stage set-up, and production, used to create a moving picture
- Create a portfolio of short animation projects.
- Students are introduced to the basics of computer graphics (vector and raster), and graphic computer programs.
- Create a portfolio of original and recreated raster and vector images.
A raster format is commonly used in full colour images/graphics and photographs by using a data structure representing a generally rectangular grid of pixels or points of colour. In this course, students are introduced to the fundamental skills of raster graphics and their application. Prerequisite: COM1035: Graphics Tools
- Create a portfolio of original and recreated intermediate raster images.
COM1205 Photography – Introduction
- Students develop essential skills in camera use with a focus on basic composition, set-up and an examination of exposure. Students operate a camera to capture images and produce final display proofs.
- Create a portfolio of original photographs.
COM1105 Audio/Video
iLife video showcase
- Students acquire basic production skills, including planning, recording and editing, through the production of simple audio and/or video project using basic equipment and techniques.
- Create a portfolio of audio/video projects.
- Create a 2-3 minute Garageband audio podcast supporting a subject assignment in a class you are or will be taking this year. Or try this snowflake.
- Create a 1-3 minute iMovie video using still images and copyright free music.
- Create a 2-3 minute iMovie video using original video containing 7 or more shots. OR Create a short film using excerpts from clips from this site
- Students explore different media forms and examine their impact on personal, community and national interests. Using various media, students will plan, create and present a message.
- Create two 3-5 minute original Garagband/iMovie video podacasts from a script exploring different media forms and examine their impact on personal, community, and national interests.
ComTech Course Summaries:
Detailed ComTech Course Outcomes:
Detailed Complementary Information Processing Couses Outcomes
Word Processing 1: INF1030
General Process:
Survey the course summaries -> browse the specific course outcomes ->choose digital media projects-> choose Adobe workshop videos and and Garageband) resources -> publish/present recreated media -> publish/present original media
Most iMacs/Macbooks have the Adobe Master CS3 suite of media tools and iTunes/iMovie/iDVD/Garageband.
We have a few digital video and digital SLR cameras. Students will need to pair up or work in small groups to share/manage cameras.
Students saving rich media(ie Garageband and iMovie projects) will need to be assigned workstations and have back-up USB(4-8GB) storage on hand to start and close every class.
Students are expected to complete the outcomes for at least 5 courses. Outcomes from multiple courses may be combined into a single comprehensive project.
Digital Media Projects
2013/2014 Sequence
COM1105 Audio/Video
COM2015 Media Impact
COM1035 Graphic Tools
COM2035 Raster Graphics 1
INF1030 Word Processing 1