Rationale – Philosophy

In an information society characterized by rapid change in the social, economic and technological environments, students must be prepared to use information and technology effectively and efficiently. Communication Technology, a strand in Career and Technology Studies, helps students develop a broad awareness of the impact that presentation and communication, print, photography, and media design and application make in every aspect of their lives.

The knowledge and skills acquired from studying Communication Technology are transferable throughout the core and optional curricula, giving students an edge in presenting their views and ideas, in understanding others and in completing projects.

For example, a student may no longer be restricted to doing an essay or preparing a written report as part of a course requirement. Instead, the student may use any combination of Communication Technology skills to complete an assignment. On a more personal level, the student may apply these skills in everyday activities.

Finally, as the communications industry becomes more and more sophisticated, and as the merging of the different communication technologies continues to evolve, it is imperative that students improve their level of media and technological literacy in order to cope with their daily chores. Students need to broaden their horizons to include the latest digital technology as it applies to print, photography, animation, and audio and video production, whether they intend to apply these skills professionally or for their personal use.

Communication skills are necessary for the pursuit of a successful career in any field, and communicating effectively using a variety of media gives students an advantage as they enter the information age of the 21st century.

Within the philosophy of Career and Technology Studies, students in Communication Technology will:

  • develop the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for exploration and pursuit of further training for a career in the communication technology field
  • demonstrate an understanding of the various sectors of the industry and of their own potential with respect to job opportunities
  • learn how to function in a productive team environment and how to develop individual competence in a creative and imaginative way
  • develop a positive self-concept and realistic life goals through exploring personal interests and aptitudes
  • develop the ability to function as media and technologically literate citizens, and understand not only the technological factors, but also the social, cultural and global issues that affect the various communication media
  • develop expertise in applying creative thinking and enterprising/innovative strategies to problem solving
  • develop an appreciation for environmental, safety and ethical issues related to communication technology
  • develop an appreciation for local, regional and global contribution to communication technology
  • develop a positive attitude toward work ethics, productivity and time management.